Monday, May 30, 2011

Bruno Mars

Bruno Mars trust Bruno Mars modeled a variety of hats in the newest issue of GQ, and ladies, I gotta ask: Am I the only chick out there that dry heaves upon seeing a grown man in a hat? It’d be one thing if we were living in the 20s or if most of these hats were accompanied by zoot suit and they were going for that whole overall look, but a fedora thrown on with a flannel and some jeans? Spare me please. I dunno, maybe some women dig this style… Are any of you out there? And you can you please remove any guys you find like this from my eye line and take them wherever you take dudes? Thank y...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Why Men Buying White suits?

This question is commonly ask in many social networking sites. I gather some little info and questions about this issues. What man does not want to look good feel good and confident, and attractive to who or whom turns you on? Clothes and dressing start from your underpants, socks, shoes, trousers, shirt, tie, jacket. Firstly always wear nice underpants, it’s a great start, you never know who and where they may be seen. This is why you and many others are investing in white tux. A white suits for men is not only for actors, pop stars, and celebrities, white suits are the new must have item to look, cool,fashionable, and trendy. According to survey 40% of Man in California wear white suit and tuxedos and according them they buy in best...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What is your dream suit?

What is your dream suit? This question caught my attention in one social networking site. After reading this question I ask myself or do you ask yourself what kinds of suit do you want? Monday morning I browse my internet and I found many sites that offer all kinds of suit such as big suits, zoot suits,cowboy boots, men suits, big tall and suits and many more. And I ask another question to myself “in many sites that offer suit what site I choose? Anyways We have our own expectation especially in choosing since the topic is about suit I found two site named mensusa(dot)com and many reviews I read from them good feedback and history, and the other one is megasuits(dot)com they offer big discounts but I worried because there’s no have any...

Friday, May 6, 2011

SB List

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